Looking up at several stories of office windows from inside a building. There is a round, black circle-shaped sculpture suspended from the glass ceiling of the building.

OARS offers fall workshop series

Head-and-shoulders portrait of a bespectacled woman in a tan top with a red and pink zig-zag pattern.
Former NSF program director and professor of biology Joyce Fernandes is one of the presenters for OARS’ fall workshop series.

This fall, OARS will host a series of brown-bag workshops on navigating the NSF proposal process.  Workshops will be held select Tuesdays from noon to 1:00pm in Pearson 208.  You are welcome to attend any or all of the sessions.

September 16
Writing an effective NSF proposal: what’s your sales pitch?
Led by Joyce Fernandes, Department of Biology
RSVP here.

September 23
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program: how do I apply?
Led by Tricia Callahan, OARS
RSVP here.

October 14
NSF broader impacts: integrating your research with educational activities
Led by Joyce Fernandes, Department of Biology
RSVP here.

October 21
NSF data management: what is data management, why is it important, and how do I write a sound data management plan?
Led by Eric Johnson, University Libraries
RSVP here.

November 4
Funding opportunities for STEM education
Led by Joyce Fernandes, Department of Biology
RSVP here.

November 11
NSF resubmission: how to decipher the panel summary
Led by Joyce Fernandes, Department of Biology
RSVP here.

November 18
Communicating with the NSF program officer: how, why, do’s and don’ts
Led by Joyce Fernandes, Department of Biology
RSVP here.

Featured photo (left) by Luke Faraone via Flickr, used under Creative Commons license.  Photo of Joyce Fernandes (above) by Miami University Photo Services.

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